about 2 years ago

    Boost organ health with this diet (BETA) cover image

    Boost organ health with this diet (BETA)

    Organ health

    Your liver is the 2nd largest organ in the body performing over 500 functions assisting other organs. The liver detoxifies the entire body by processing everything digested and absorbed by your stomach and intestines. It protects you, you should protect it. A healthy liver filters the intake of all calories. Without a liver, you can't survive. A damaged liver (fatty liver disease or Cirosssi of the liver) can significantly shorten your life span. Luckily, your liver can be repaired and protected.
    Build optimal health

    • Remove alcohol, processed sugar, simple carbs & vegetable oils.
    • 14-16 hr fasts 2-3 days per week
    • consistently exercise 30-90 min/day​
    • Try this diet...


    Weekly Schedule

    1-2 meals per day

    2-3 meals per day


    • #1 the highlight of this diet is the Power Salad and Cruciferous sides.
    • Switch your vegetable sides & proteins every 2-3 days, there are plenty to choose from.
    • Cook and bake with avocado oil; it has a higher cooking point. 
    • Don't cook with olive oil (you'll eliminate the benefits); use it as a dressing.

    • Avoid consuming more than 6-8 oz of meat per meal.
    • Avoid frying meats, pressure, cook-air fry, or bake.
    • Cook eggs with Ghee, the convenience of spray-on comes with hormone-disrupting chemicals.
    • Drink organic coffee to avoid hormone-disrupting pesticides. 
    • Cook with cast iron, stainless steel, oven, or pressure cooker to avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals that come with non-stick pans.
    • Always drink more water; at least 90% of liquids should be filtered water.

    Health Benefits & Preparation


    Health benefits| Dive deeper
    • vitamins, minerals & antioxidant rich
    • improves mineral absorption

    • improves heart health & immune system
    • anti-cancer properties
    • strengthens bones
    • can improve eyesight

    • helps with erectile dysfunction in men​
    • improves liver functioning 

    • salads 
    • omelets
    • smoothies


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • Improves digestion
    • lowers cholesterol

    • packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

    • reduces inflammation
    • anti-cancer properties
    • improves brain health & immune system
    • rich in b vitamins 
    • improves eyesight

    • helps with erectile dysfunction in men​
    • improves liver functioning  
    • salads

    Broccoli Sprouts

    Health benefits | Dive deeper
    • anti-cancer properties

    • boost immune system 
    • boosts metabolism
    • balance hormones 
    • aids in digestion
    • boost liver functioning

    • heart health
    • vision health
    • aids nutritional deficiencies
    • salads

    Bean Sprouts

    Health benefits | Dive deeper
    • anti-cancer properties

    • boost immune system 
    • balance hormones 
    • aid in digestion
    • boosts metabolism
    • boost liver functioning

    • heart health
    • improves skin
    • bone health
    • speeds up healing
    • salads


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • oral care
    • boosts immunity
    • heart health
    • aids with diabetes
    • anticancer properties
    • skin health
    • boosts sex drive
    • can treat anemia

    • salads
    • omelets


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • improves heart health

    • improves brain health
    • improves digestion
    • boosts immunity
    • improves bone health

    • regulates blood sugar
    • boost libido

    • Chop desired amount into salads, omelets, or sauces.


    Health benefits | Dive deeper
    • powerful anti-inflammatory

    • skincare 
    • antioxidant-rich
    • liver health 
    • brain health 
    • heart health
    • anticancer properties 

    • Chop desired amount into salads, omelets, sauces, or smoothies.

    Ginger Root

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • improves digestion

    • liver health
    • heart health

    • brain health
    • improves oral health
    • boosts libido

    • anti-inflammatory 
    • anti-bacterial,viral,fungal 

    • salads
    • omelets
    • smoothies
    • sauces

    Pumpkin Seeds

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • heart health

    • bone health
    • rich in magnesium and tryptophan for sleep
    • high in protein
    • prostate health
    • anti-cancer properties
    • anti-parasitic 
    • reduce inflammation 
    • can prevent kidney stones

    • salads
    • snacking


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • blood pressure

    • improves heart health
    • anti-cancer properties
    • anti-inflammatory
    • improves brain health
    • boosts immunity
    • improves digestion
    • relieves menstruation
    • improves skin, eye, hair health


    • salads
    • snacking


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • improves heart health

    • improves vision
    • improves skin & hair care
    • helps with arthritis
    • improves liver health
    • improves bone health
    • boosts nutrient absorption


    • salad
    • snacks

    Sea Salt

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • nutrient dense (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc)
    • strong electrolyte
    • improves oral health

    • reduce acidity

    • salads
    • meats
    • dressings

    Black Pepper

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • nutrient dense (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and possibly vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6)

    • improves digestion
    • antibacterial 
    • enhances nutrient bioavailability 
    • improves brain health  

    salads, meats, dressings

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • rich in antioxidants

    • anti-inflammatory
    • antimicrobial
    • improves digestion

    • strengthens cells
    • anti-cancer properties

    • salad dressing

    • meat dressing

    • sauces

    Avocado Oil 

    Health benefits |Dive deeper

    • improves heart health
    • improves vision
    • improves digestion
    • improves oral health

    • reduces inflammation

    • salad dressing 
    • cooking
    • sauces

    White Wine Vinaigrette 

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • controls blood sugar

    • anti-cancer properties

    • improve heart health

    • salad dressing

    • sauces


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • improves liver, brain, heart, and bone health

    • aids in digestion
    • can prevent chronic disease
    • anti-inflammatory
    • anti-aging
    • improves metabolism
    • boosts libido 
    • boosts immunity
    • improves skin


    • steamed
    • baked
    • air fry
    • add olive oil, sea salt


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • fights oxidative stress

    • heart health 
    • anti-cancer properties
    • anti-inflammatory
    • antioxidant-rich
    • reduce the risks of stomach disorders
    • improves bone health

    • improves brain health
    • promotes healthy skin and hair growth
    • boosts immunity

    • steamed, baked, air fry
    • add olive oil, sea salt

    Brussel Sprouts

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • boosts immune system

    • boosts metabolism
    • improves digestion
    • anti-cancer properties
    • improves bone health
    • balances hormones 
    • reduces inflammation 
    • rich in folic acid, preventing pregnancy defects

    • steamed
    • baked
    • air fry
    • add olive oil, sea salt


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • antioxidant-rich

    • improves brain health
    • improves bone
    • improves oral health
    • improves gut health

    • steamed, baked , airfry
    • add olive oil, sea salt
    • add to omlet


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • rich in vitamins and minerals

    • rich in folic acid, preventing pregnancy defects
    • eases pre-menstrual bloating
    • improves fertility
    • improves digestion
    • anti-cancer properties
    • anti-diebetic properties
    • reduces inflammation
    • treats urinary tract infections
    • steamed, baked, air fry
    • add olive oil, sea salt


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • rich in vitamins & minerals

    • improves heart health 
    • improves digestion
    • improves bone health
    • rich in magnesium (sleep)
    • gluten-free


    • boil

    Sweet Potatoes

    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • improves digestion

    • boosts immune system
    • helps reduce inflammation
    • diabetes-friendly
    • treats stomach ulcers
    • rich in vitamins (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium)

    • pressure cook
    • steamed
    • baked


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • kidney health

    • prevents dehydration
    • regulates blood pressure
    • improves heart health
    • reduces inflammation
    • improves muscle recovery
    • aids in digestion
    • rich in nutrients


    • snack

    • dessert


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • natural appetite suppressant

    • boosts immune system

    • improves heart health

    • improves skin health

    • snack

    • desert


    Health benefits | Dive deeper

    • anti-cancer properties

    • lower cholesterol
    • improves kidney health
    • improves vision health
    • skincare
    • prevents viral infections

    • snack

    • dessert


    health benefits | Dive deeper

    • Rich in vitamins and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, vitamin K)

    • improves bone health
    • improves skin health
    • improves heart health
    • improves brain health 
    • rich in antioxidants
    • boost immunity
    • antiaging properties
    • snack

    • desert

    1. Pressure cooker: 
    2. Oven
    3. Cast iron
    4. add Saurkraut


    1. Pressure cooker: 20-25 minutes
    2. peel & add cinnamon


    1. add the desired amount to a cast iron or pan

    2. Heat oven to 400 degrees and bake for 10-15 min or until desired crispiness
    3. drizzle desired amount of avocado oil and sea salt  after bake

    *eat in moderation 1-2 cupsDrink:Coffee (moderation  1cup)Lemon Juice watergreen teaCheery tart Juicesupplements: Vitamin D-10,000 - 20,000 IU's , Selenium 200mcg, Autophagy - fasting 18 hours