over 1 year ago

    How to Identify Wedge Patterns cover image

    Image by Suzi Kim from unsplash

    How to Identify Wedge Patterns

    Reading Price Action - Wedge Patterns

    Price action represents a series of patterns and signals that offer quality risk to reward potential for entries and exits. Reading Price Action enhances decision-making by identifying the probability of price direction before it emerges. Past behavior, psychology, sentiment, and intuition all play into internalizing the likelihood of price direction.

    Intraday Timeframe Process

    1. A sharp move away from price
    2. Wedge Formation 
    3. Above VWAP + EMA = Bullish / Below VWAP + EMA = Bearish
    4. Elevated Volume at the Break

    Macro Timeframe Process

    1. A sharp move away from price
    2. Wedge Formation 
    3. Holds Above MA's 
    4. Elevated Volume at the Break