VERY BULLISH...Except for this ONE THING

    The Good News | S&P Fundamentals 

    • S&P Earnings Estimates are Turning Positive for the first time in two years. 
    • Estimates Bottomed somewhere between April and July.

    • Q3 2023 Estimates are being Leg by Big Tech.
    Earnings are being driven by Corporate Spend + Fiscal Spend + AI

    The Good News | Technicals

    • Leading sectors
    • Volatility Risk Collapsing...Appetite for Risk​
    • Equity Credit Risk sliding lower ....Appetite for Risk

    • Peak Put Buying Leads to the Second Leg of the Bull Market 

    Bad News | Macro Forces

    • Crude is Breaking out of a 9-month resistance Level. Expect Headline CPI to remain Elevated. 
    • Higher Inflation Expectations can easily trigger the Dollar Wrecking Ball.

    Good News | Macro Forces

    Good News | Fed Policy

    The Economy is Cooling
    • Q2 GDP not as hot as expected
    • Private Payrolls missed expectations
    • Unemployment Ripped higher
    • Consumers are Set to Slowdown in 2nd Half, further cooling the 

    • Cooling Incomes Data

    Good News | No Sign of Recession

    • Spending remains Positive

    • The Labor Force Participation rate is back to Pre-pandemic Highs. 

    • Cooling Jobs Growth but Stil Positive Still Expanding

    • Top Industries Adding Jobs 

    Bad news | Inflation

    Goods are Deflating, but Services are inflating, Led by Transportation costs. Oil Prices could re-ignite Inflation.​


    No wage-price spiral 

    • Wage Growth is colling off versus a year ago.
    • Largest Drop in 12 months.

    The Market Is Pricing in NO HIKE